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Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay


We are very happy to once again have the lovely Duchess Silk featured on Geek Girls. This time she portraying one of our favorites from Doctor Who... a Weeping Angel! Here's what she had to say...

"Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck."

The moment I saw the teaser, with these terrifying words, I knew something special was about to happen. Something horrifying. Something in the corner of your eye, the cold in the pit of your stomach...

A monster we'd never forget.

But even I wasn't prepared to spend the next few weeks double taking at every vaguely humanoid statue in the city streets. And glaring at previously entertaining human statues, who I swear were mocking me...

"Did we always have so many statues? Did they always look like they were about to come to life at any second? ... No one here but me and the statues... Why the hell did I decide to walk around here in the middle of the night?!"

So here's me facing my fears, and I hope you enjoy.

But don't look too long. For remember; "That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel."

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Weeping Angel Cosplay

Model/Costume/bodypaint: Duchess Silk

Photographer: 14th Frame Photography

Hair: Lollilicious Makeup

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October 08 2013

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